
Book Launch: Ammon’s Horn or The Mystery of the Brain

Book Launch: Ammon’s Horn or The Mystery of the Brain

Join us for the launch of the first novel written by Pierre and Christine Magistretti: “Ammon’s Horn or The Mystery of the Brain”. 

Their book tells a Da Vinci Code-esque tale of five scientists competing for $100M to establish a new institute dedicated to finding a cure for Alzheimer’s disease.

Pierre and Christine Magistretti will tell us about their writing journey that started 30 years ago, describe the inspiration behind the characters and discuss Alzheimer’s disease. They will happily answer questions from the audience.

You will have the opportunity to purchase your copy and get it signed by the authors.

Read the blurb of the novel: 

Motivated by his wife’s Alzheimer’s diagnosis, a wealthy Swiss businessman launches a contest for innovative young neuroscientists. Selected for their excellence, they travel Europe solving challenging riddles and blending neuroscientific queries with historical and geographical puzzles.

Personal narratives unfold as competitors share triumphs and setbacks. A conspiracy emerges, initially random but later deliberate, threatening the scientists.

The riddles and competitors’ talents unveil discoveries in neurodegenerative diseases, stem cells, AI, drug addiction, genetics, and memory mechanisms. Set against the backdrop of European cities like Prague and Venice, the story combines scientific drama with the beauty and intrigue of iconic locations.

Looking forward to seeing you there!
Additional copies will be available at Matjar, the KAUST campus store, after the event. 

Event Quick Information

10 Dec, 2023
05:15 PM - 06:45 PM
Fellowship Hall, Student Center (B18)