
Takashi Gojobori

Takashi Gojobori

R3T researchers

Distinguished Professor, Bioscience

Research Interests

Utilization of computational tools and big data for COVID-19 drug development and viral surveillance

Takashi Gojobori and the faculty at the KAUST Computational Bioscience Research Center (CBRC) are working on genomic analyses of SARS-CoV2 to identify potential drugs (new molecules and repurposed) and therapeutic targets to be used against the virus. In close collaboration with in-Kingdom healthcare stakeholders (including the MoH and the Saudi CDC), they are developing computational solutions to provide monitoring for the spread and mutation rate of the virus. The CBRC is also assisting with capacity building and training of research staff at other in-Kingdom institutions to support their efforts in diagnostics and genome sequencing.

Article by Takashi Gojoburi, et al. -