

Smart-Health News

25 August, 2020

Duarte on COVID-19 ecosystem rebound

KAUST PIs to contribute through their research capabilities to alleviate the COVID-19 pandemic, efforts coordinated by Donal Bradley, KAUST vice president for research, and Pierre Magistretti, KAUST dean of the Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering division, mobilized a group of faculty to form the Rapid Research Response Team (R3T).

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13 August, 2020

KAUST partner SaudiVax advances treatment for COVID-19

As leading scientists and medical professionals around the world work to develop a cure for COVID-19, KAUST partners in Saudi Arabia are making significant strides toward a solution.

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10 August, 2020

Detecting the next pandemic using wastewater

One of the many faculty to step forward and contribute to the R3T was Peiying Hong, a KAUST associate professor of environmental science and engineering.

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22 July, 2020

How AI helps improve COVID-19 testing

Xin Gao, KAUST associate professor of computer science and the acting associate director of the Computational Bioscience Research Center.

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30 June, 2020

تقنية سعودية للكشف عن فيروس كورونا بدقة عالية وفي أقل من 15 دقيقة

باحثون من جامعة الملك عبد الله السعودية يطورون مُستشعرًا كهروكيميائيًّا من الجيل الثاني يمكنه الكشف عن البروتينات الفيروسية لفيروسي ميرس وكورونا المستجد.. دون الحاجة إلى معامل مجهزة وتحضيرات شاقة وأشخاص ذوي خبرة.

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28 May, 2020

This filter for the front of an N95 mask could make it reusable

Scientists came up with an experimental virus-blocking membrane that can be discarded so doctors can use the mask again.

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