


25 January, 2023

KAUST agreement targets pressing healthcare issues

A new health agreement between KAUST, the Ministry of Investment of Saudi Arabia (MISA)and Novo Nordisk aims to develop the Kingdom’s biotech and pharma sector, with a focus on obesity and metabolic research

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24 January, 2023

Fastening enzyme seals the deal in genome repair

By combining cryogenic electron microscopy imaging, structural modeling and biochemical assays, KAUST researchers have shown the important role a specific enzyme plays in DNA repair.

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14 December, 2022

DNA replication in humans proves slow off the mark

A team of KAUST bioscientists has shown how DNA replication in yeast, which is the standard model for studying DNA replication across all species, differs significantly to that of humans. Their study will have implications for more accurate and efficient DNA replication in more complex organisms including humans.

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14 December, 2022

Gene Detectives Solve Disease Mysteries

Researchers are diagnosing many rare genetic conditions by applying the latest AI methods combined with machine learning.

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11 December, 2022

KAUST ECE students win IEEE ComSoc Student Competition prize

Research work by KAUST electrical and computer engineering students Abeer Alamoudi and Qi Huang has been selected as the second-prize winner of the 2022 IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Student Competition "Communications Technology Changing the World."

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27 November, 2022

Bioreactor keeps cell culture conditions under control

A cell-culturing technique developed by KAUST scientists helps to create biological conditions that more closely mirror physiological environments compared to standard protocols used in most laboratories today.

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08 December, 2022

Leena Ali Ibrahim appointed "Next Generation Leader" by Allen Institute

Leena Ali Ibrahim, Assistant Professor of Bioscience at KAUST is appointed among six Next Generation Leaders by the Allen Institute

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08 December, 2022

Explaining the DNA repair mechanism

Better understanding of the mechanisms involved in DNA repair may pave the way for developing inhibitors to improve the effectiveness of radiation therapy.

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21 November, 2022

Cryptic drug-binding sites discovered in the dance

A KAUST-led team of researchers has revealed properties of the MIZ1 protein (illustrated above). Their findings could advance drug discovery for previously incurable diseases, including some forms of cancer.

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20 November, 2022

Nanostructured surfaces enable lab-on-a-chip lung cancer diagnosis

A new chip developed by new KAUST faculty member Qiaoqiang Gan can be used to detect cancer and provide point-of-care diagnosis.

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16 October, 2022

Zinc enhances albumin’s protective role against Parkinson's disease

Revealing zinc’s interaction with a critical transport protein underscores the need to study biological pathways under physiologically relevant conditions.

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04 October, 2022

Finding an RNA target and tool to fight premature aging

Blocking the overexpression of specific repeat RNA sequences could prove promising for the treatment of premature aging syndromes.

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25 August, 2022

Building applications inspired by the human eye

A team of researchers at the KAUST Sensors Lab, led by Professor Khaled Nabil Salama, is focused on developing brain-mimicking neuromorphic circuits to build efficient vision sensors.

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24 August, 2022

"Sticky" stem cells make for better transplants

Enhancement of adhesion molecules improves the ability of blood-forming stem cells to take root in transplant recipients.

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16 August, 2022

Cell mapping close to the bone

KAUST bioscientists are developing new methods to combine single-cell sequencing datasets, which will help to improve understanding of cellular identity and function. The team has used the method to study the bone marrow microenvironment in greater detail.

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16 August, 2022

RNA-based approach identified for treatment of premature aging and associated diseases

KAUST scientists are researching RNA-based approaches to treat progeria, an early aging disease that affects children and adolescents.

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28 July, 2022

KAUST visiting professor collaborates with KAUST faculty and staff to study Saudi air quality

KAUST Smart-Health Initiative has been honored to host Junfeng (Jim) Zhang at KAUST during his sabbatical. Prof. Zhang has been developing several air pollution studies in collaboration with KAUST faculty and staff.

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29 June, 2022

Turning up the heat to unlock Cas13's potential

A newly identified heat-stable Cas13 enzyme could lead to improved diagnostics and new biotechnological applications.

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03 July, 2022

Stem cells reveal underpinnings of rare immune disease

Abnormal protein tied to Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome found to control gene splicing.

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28 June, 2022

Bone formation comes down to the nanowire

Nanotechnology that accelerates the transition of stem cells into bone could advance regenerative medicine.

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