


24 May, 2022

AI helps diagnose post-COVID lung problems

A new AI diagnostic tool developed by KAUST scientists allows doctors to visualize lung damage caused by COVID-19 in more detail.

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23 November, 2021

First MD-Ph.D. program in Saudi Arabia

Top medical students from AlFaisal University will undertake their Ph.D. degree at KAUST to obtain the necessary training needed to conduct basic research and the implementation of smart-health tools and methods in the Saudi healthcare delivery system.

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15 November, 2021

MD-Ph.D. Program

The goal of this program is to offer Saudi and resident students of medicine at Al-Faisal University state-of-the-art educational and research facilities. The program is tailored to those who aspire to build their careers as physician-scientists and will be the leaders of tomorrow.

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30 June, 2020

تقنية سعودية للكشف عن فيروس كورونا بدقة عالية وفي أقل من 15 دقيقة

باحثون من جامعة الملك عبد الله السعودية يطورون مُستشعرًا كهروكيميائيًّا من الجيل الثاني يمكنه الكشف عن البروتينات الفيروسية لفيروسي ميرس وكورونا المستجد.. دون الحاجة إلى معامل مجهزة وتحضيرات شاقة وأشخاص ذوي خبرة.

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02 June, 2021

Transistors spot single SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins

A new sensor, based on organic transistors, combines speed and accuracy in detecting single-molecule antigens belonging to the viruses that cause COVID-19 and MERS.

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19 September, 2021

KAUST-developed COVID-19 test kit ready for University community

President Chan receives the Kingdom’s first, KAUST-developed COVID-19 RT-PCR test, processed by KAUST startup Noor DX.

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21 June, 2021

Making the invisible, visible

Early in Ivan Viola’s career he was fascinated by how we are able to model and visualize incredibly complex systems, bigger than the mind can imagine or smaller than the eyes can see.

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21 June, 2021

Flattening the sentimental curve

Professors at KAUST are employing differential equations and machine learning to help understand what’s coming next in the Covid-19 pandemic.

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08 June, 2021

Workshop highlights mammalian brain research

Global experts and participants in the field of brain research gathered online for a two-day conference, Integrative modeling of brain energy metabolism, presented by the Blue Brain Project Alliance.

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05 April, 2021

Virtual launch of Smart-Health Initiative

KAUST has recently launched a multidisciplinary scientific and clinical research and innovation health initiative dubbed the KAUST Smart-Health Initiative (SHI).

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15 April, 2021

Magistretti features at U.S.-K.S.A. Business Forum

KAUST Distinguished Professor Pierre Magistretti, Director of the newly launched Smart-Health Initiative, took part in a virtual event put on by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Investment.

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02 February, 2021

A healthy boost to precision medicine in KSA

The Smart Health Initiative aims to enhance Saudi Arabia's capabilities in what Magistretti describes as precision medicine.

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20 December, 2020

KAUST and Johnson & Johnson sign dengue fever research collaboration agreement

KAUST announced a collaboration with Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson to explore opportunities for research and innovation in the area of neglected tropical diseases, with a focus on dengue fever.

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08 November, 2020

KAUST startup tackles COVID using AI and robotics

The COVID-19 pandemic has activated vital innovation and R&D initiatives to tackle the crippling effects, health ramifications, and overall impact of the coronavirus on global societies and economies.

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25 August, 2020

Duarte on COVID-19 ecosystem rebound

KAUST PIs to contribute through their research capabilities to alleviate the COVID-19 pandemic, efforts coordinated by Donal Bradley, KAUST vice president for research, and Pierre Magistretti, KAUST dean of the Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering division, mobilized a group of faculty to form the Rapid Research Response Team (R3T).

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13 August, 2020

KAUST partner SaudiVax advances treatment for COVID-19

As leading scientists and medical professionals around the world work to develop a cure for COVID-19, KAUST partners in Saudi Arabia are making significant strides toward a solution.

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10 August, 2020

Detecting the next pandemic using wastewater

One of the many faculty to step forward and contribute to the R3T was Peiying Hong, a KAUST associate professor of environmental science and engineering.

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16 June, 2021

A shock to the system

'Preparedness is key to reducing fatality,' said KAUST Professor of statistics Hernando Ombao.

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22 July, 2020

How AI helps improve COVID-19 testing

Xin Gao, KAUST associate professor of computer science and the acting associate director of the Computational Bioscience Research Center.

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